Amazon S3 Expiring Link

I was working on Amazon S3 Cloud HTML5 MP3 Player for S3 Bucket security and Expiring Media links.

Amazon S3 Cloud HTML5 MP3 Player
Amazon S3 Cloud HTML5 MP3 Player
      * Calculate the HMAC SHA1 hash of a string.
      * @param string $key The key to hash against
      * @param string $data The data to hash
      * @param int $blocksize Optional blocksize
      * @return string HMAC SHA1
      function el_crypto_hmacSHA1($key,$data,$blocksize=64){
      * Create temporary URLs to your protected Amazon S3 files.
      * @param string $accessKey Your Amazon S3 access key
      * @param string $secretKey Your Amazon S3 secret key
      * @param string $bucket The bucket (
      * @param string $path The target file path
      * @param int $expires In minutes
      * @return string Temporary Amazon S3 URL
      * @see
      function el_s3_getTemporaryLink($accessKey,$secretKey,$bucket,$path,$expires=5){
          // Calculate expiry time
          // Fix the path; encode and sanitize
          // Path for signature starts with the bucket
          // S3 friendly string to sign
          // Calculate the hash
          $signature= el_crypto_hmacSHA1($secretKey,$signsz);
          // Glue the URL ...
          // ... to the query string ...
          // ... and return the URL!


$ExpiringLink = el_s3_getTemporaryLink(‘AWS-KEY’, ‘AWS-SECRET-KEY’, ‘BUCKET’, ‘FILENAME’, ‘EXPIRING-TIME’);

Demo Amazon S3 Cloud HTML5 MP3 Player
