Backup Disk Snapshot on Google Compute Engine

Snapshots are stored in Google Cloud Storage, which is secure, incredibly large, and remarkably inexpensive. You might want to think about whether the labor involved in saving snapshots on your local PC, with all the attendant risks of data loss.

For pricing, see For example, if you have a 10 GB snapshot, that’s going to cost you $0.85/ month.

Overview Google Compute Engine
Overview Google Compute Engine

You can read more about here ….

1) Create a snapshot with the gcutil getsnapshot command.

$ gcutil addsnapshot red5 –source_disk red5 –zone us-east1-a

Snapshot Google Compute Engine
Snapshot Google Compute Engine

2) Create a new persistent disk with that snapshot

Disk Google Compute Engine
Disk Google Compute Engine

3) Create an instance with that persistent disk

Instance on Google Compute Engine
Instance on Google Compute Engine

4) Create an image of that instance

Operations Google Compute Engine
Operations Google Compute Engine

5) Save the image on the instance

$ sudo python /usr/share/imagebundle/ -b red5 -o /tmp

6) Download the image of the instance

You can find archived image in current user folder i.e. /home/svnlabs/red5/096df5a918c746f965338bda6b4c886ac4097c08.image.tar.gz