Exceptions with Facebook Apps

OAuthException: Error validating access token: Session has expired at unix time 1311357600. The current unix time is 1311357734

Request FB Access Token each & every time…

Rotate Apps…

OAuthException: (#1) An unknown error occurred

Sometime facebook block App’s domain and text, images, links etc. used on apps, You can use URL Linter to cross check


http://forum.developers.facebook.net/viewtopic.php?id=78958 🙁

Provide UTF8 Content…

OAuthException: (#210) User not visible

The actual error is “Your friend do not allow posts on his wall”

OAuthException [message] => (#341) Feed action request limit reached

OAuthException: (#100) The post’s links must directly to the application’s connect or canvas URL

This can be solved by going into application settings -> advanced -> and setting the Stream post URL security to disabled.

Use JavaScript API to get user’s real country / location…

Add valid conditions before publishing…

I learned from Facebook…

1. Build stuff that will get used. Fast.
2. Engineering Innovation
3. Small Team, Big Impact
4. Connecting the World
5. Prime Time Hack

Keep yourself updated with all latest changes on FB API 😉
