How to be proactive, not reactive?

Everyone wants to be successful in this era of globalization. This uncontrollable growth of innovation, invention, creation…….Where we stand? Do you think ever? If no………………………

It’s time to prove yourself and do something extraordinarily to get name, fame and satisfaction.
According to my view the key qualification that should be exist in every innovator to establish yourself firmly in globalization race, is “PRO-ACTIVENESS”. So be proactive to rescue yourself moving towards degradation.
Scientists / Inventors who think beyond to expectation or imagine a object that are not even in existence and introduce them in reality by their efforts. Such inventors are the father of great achievements/inventions of century like electricity blub, airplane, computer etc. that become needs of today life.

Keep in mind ‘Nothing is Impossible’ and to being like them one should have:
1. Dedication towards your job. Do your work smartly & steadily.
2. Determination to do something that gives you importance than any other else have and makes you outstanding in this scenario of tough competition.
3. Keep a part of soul of great inventors of century that motivates you and helps to handle situation proactively.

Who are proactive?
In corporate world three kind of people survive, they are:
1. First are those who only knows, when any crash occurred we have to react , they don’t know how to recover that situation efficiently without any lose.
2. Second are those who are just like machine, let the thing be happened as it is, whether it is happened in right or wrong manner.
3. Third are those who think proactively, guess the situation that might be a crash to organization in future and rescue organization from lose and degradation. They are smart manager.

Think a while, and then you will get what kind of manager you are? Now it’s up to you what do you want to be……..

I want to share one example that better fit to understand this situation. Have you ever seen Shark? It continuously move towards against the wave of water and make their own way even in a vast sea.

Just like shark if you are proactive and imagine any kind of complicate situation/crash earlier that might be appear in future, definitely you will be able to handle that situation smartly without affecting organization.
If you are reactive not proactive, you might be lagging in this era of globalization. If you stay a while consider that you let others go forward in race.

So be a shark and move forward in right direction smartly.

Ask question to yourself that might help you to be proactive:
1. What are the latest trends and market’s up down?
2. Do I know strategy and future planning for me?
3. Do I fulfill end user needs and meet their expectations?
4. Which task I can do smartly?
5. How do I organize fruitful meetings?

In shortly, don’t waste your time in routine work, utilize your time, consider on your feedback and be smart and as a Smart Manager spend at least 30 minute in a week to setup your strategy for future.

Two ways to live LIFE….
1. Don’t worry… let life run as it is 🙁
2. Take responsibilities to change things 🙂