Upload Large Files from Amazon S3 Bucket to Dropbox Folder

Dropbox Uploader is a BASH script (only needs cURL) which can be used to upload, download, list or delete files from Dropbox, an online file sharing, synchronization and backup service.

Usage: ./dropbox_uploader.sh COMMAND [PARAMETERS]…

Amazon S3 to Dropbox
Amazon S3 to Dropbox

Secure:It’s not required to provide your username/password to this script, because it uses the official Dropbox API for authentication process.


# chmod +x dropbox_uploader.sh
# ./dropbox_uploader.sh

It will ask “App key”, “App secret” and “Access level (App folder or Full Dropbox)”

As shell script authorize token…

Please visit this URL from your Browser, and allow Dropbox Uploader
to access your DropBox account:

–> https://www2.dropbox.com/1/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dropbox token for Command Line
Dropbox token for Command Line

If everything go well …

> Access Token request… OK

Setup completed!

Now you can download Amazon S3 Bucket files on server using “wget” then you can run command like…

# ./dropbox_uploader.sh COMMAND [PARAMETERS]…
# ./dropbox_uploader.sh upload /var/www/aws/s3/svnlabs.mp4 /DROPBOX-FOLDER/svnlabs.mp4

I have uploaded media file upto 500MB on dropbox successfully using this shell script 😉

Alternate Options:

You can try Node.js for reading files from Amazon S3 and then upload to Dropbox

Useful JavaScript Tools

