NGINX Load Balancer
Implement NGINX as a load balancer for video streaming.
Support round-robin, least-connections, and IP-hash load balancing.
Monitor server health and reroute traffic dynamically.
NGINX Re-Streaming
Re-stream RTMP, HLS, and SRT feeds from origin servers.
Optimize for low-latency delivery and adaptive bitrate streaming (ABR).
Reduce bandwidth load by caching and relay methods.
Capture live statistics on HLS playback.
Monitor concurrent users, bandwidth usage, and buffer rates.
Integrate with Grafana, InfluxDB, or Prometheus for analytics.
NGINX RTMP and HLS with ABR (Docker-based)
Deploy a containerized RTMP/HLS server with Adaptive Bitrate Streaming.
Use FFmpeg for multi-bitrate encoding in real-time.
Automate deployment using Docker Compose.
NGINX HLS Protection (Token & User-Agent)
Secure HLS streams with expiring token authentication.
Restrict playback based on user agent and IP address.
Implement Geo-blocking and domain whitelisting.
NGINX VOD (MP4/M4A) HLS m3u8 Links
Generate HLS m3u8 playlists dynamically for MP4/M4A content.
Optimize for storage and CDN integration.
Provide a web-based media management panel.
NGINX RTMP Authentication
Secure RTMP publishing and playback with authentication.
Integrate with MySQL/PostgreSQL for user-based access control.
Support OAuth, JWT, or API-based authentication.
NGINX HTTPS Proxy for Radio Stream (Secure Expired Token)
Implement an HTTPS proxy for Shoutcast/Icecast radio streams.
Use token-based authentication to prevent unauthorized access.
Enable caching for optimized streaming performance.
Apache2 / Nginx Reverse Proxy for Shoutcast SSL
Configure NGINX and Apache as a reverse proxy for Shoutcast/Icecast.
Implement SSL encryption for secure radio streaming.
Support automatic SSL renewal with Let’s Encrypt.
Apache2 / Nginx DDoS Protection
Deploy NGINX and Apache security modules (mod_evasive, fail2ban).
Configure rate limiting and bot protection.
Implement Cloudflare or custom firewall rules.
Haproxy Apache Load Balancer Setup
Use HAProxy as a load balancer for Apache-based web servers.
Configure sticky sessions and SSL termination.
Optimize for high-availability and failover handling.
NGINX Stream Management & Analytics
Develop a control panel for managing and monitoring streams.
Track real-time viewer stats, bandwidth usage, and errors.
Enable live stream start/stop control with history logs.
Server Log Parser (Google Analytics Integration)
Parse Apache/NGINX logs and send insights to Google Analytics.
Track user behavior and streaming trends.
Generate automated reports for business insights.
Skippable Video Ads Player
Develop an HTML5 HLS player with ad-insertion support.
Implement skippable ad logic with tracking.
Support server-side ad injection for seamless playback.
HLS Player Watermark & Password Protection
Overlay dynamic user-specific watermarks to prevent piracy.
Implement password protection for premium streams.
Enable session-based unique watermarks per user.
Configure HTTPS streaming for HLS using SSL/TLS.
Automate certificate management with Let’s Encrypt.
Ensure browser and player compatibility for encrypted streams.
NGINX Access Log to InfluxDB (Telegraf Integration)
Collect and analyze NGINX access logs using InfluxDB.
Use Telegraf for real-time log parsing.
Display insights in Grafana dashboards.
Drag & Drop Music Playlist Player Builder
Create a web-based music playlist manager.
Allow users to drag and drop audio files into playlists.
Enable sharing and embedded playlist options.