Radio API

$5.00 / 1 month

Radio Metadata API – Current Playing


“HTML5 MP3 Radio FM Player” allows users to play radio stream with current playing song metadata, but some time player on Shared Hosting Server don’t allow Icecast / Shoutcast Server port to read shoutcast / icecast current playing song information.


You can subscribe to our API get all Metadata for Icecast / Shoutcast Servers its $5 / month per stream


Icecast Shoutcast Metadata API

<span id=”current-track”>loading…</span>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=””></script>


Note: Please email your Radio Stream URL after subscribing Icecast Shoutcast Metadata API successfully. So, we can process your request & provide Icecast Shoutcast Metadata API embed code script.



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