Backup Amazon S3 with PHP

This is the source code to backup/download Amazon S3 Bucket’s multimedia files to other server by PHP…

here $bucketurl is XML url of Amazon S3 bucket with full ACL.
$folder is path of the server where S3 files to store.

This script will download all files in Amazon bucket to other server



/* url for Amazon Bucket */

$bucketurl "";

$xml file_get_contents($bucketurl);

/* folder name for server */

$folder "/var/www/html/BUCKETNAME/";

$content getTag'Key'$xml );

foreach($content as $file)


exec"wget -O ".$folder.$file." ".$bucketurl.$file );


/* function to get node from Amazon Bucket XML */

function getTag$tag$xml )


$tag preg_quote($tag);



