Resume Builder pdf2txt, word2txt

Reading PDF Files XPDF package includes “pdftotext.” You have to install XPDF/pdftotext then run the following PHP statement to get the PDF text: $txtcontent = exec(‘/usr/local/bin/pdftotext svnlabs.pdf -‘); Reading DOC Files This package is called Antiword. Here’s the PHP code to grab the Word DOC content: $txtcontent = exec(‘/usr/local/bin/antiword svnlabs.doc’);

Publish HTML2PDF

HTMLDOC converts HTML files and web pages into HTML, PostScript and PDF files suitable for on-line viewing and printing. HTMLDOC is used for anything that needs to be viewed or printed including on-line billing, books, financial statements, automated network configuration guides, mailing lists and labels, marketing flyers, quarterly reports, technical manuals, and users manuals. We … Read more

Lab Tips

Database: 1. Delete all information from databse related to, if deleting user or any content from CMS. 2. Use PDO, ADO, Pear, Zend etc. library to connect to database. 3. Take regular backup for database. 4. Use better naming convension. Folders: 1. Use better naming convension. 2. Take regular backup for folders. 3. Protect project’s … Read more