

# ffmpeg is a command line tool to convert one video file format to another. It can also grab and encode in real time from a TV card.
# ffserver is an HTTP and RTSP multimedia streaming server for live broadcasts. It can also time shift live broadcast.
# ffplay is a simple media player based on SDL and on the FFmpeg libraries.
# ffprobe is a command line tool to show media information.

# Convert video files into another format.
# flv -> avi
# flv -> mp4
# flv -> wmv
# flv -> swf
# avi -> mp4
# avi -> wmv
# avi -> flv
# avi -> swf
# mp4 -> avi
# mp4 -> wmv
# mp4 -> flv
# mp4 -> swf
# wmv -> mp4
# wmv -> avi
# wmv -> flv
# wmv -> swf
# divx -> mp4
# divx -> avi
# divx -> flv
# divx -> wmv
# divx -> swf
# Audio extraction
# flv -> mp3
# avi -> mp3
# mp4 -> mp3
# wmv -> mp3
# divx -> mp3
# swf -> mp3

if ($target == ‘mp3’)
$ffmpeg_cmd = exec($ffmpeg.” -y -i “.$source.” -acodec “.$acodec.” -vn “.$target);
} else {
$ffmpeg_cmd = exec($ffmpeg.” -y -i “.$source.” -acodec “.$acodec.” “. $ar .” -ab 128kb “.$vcodec.” “.$r.” -b 1200kb -mbd 2 -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 “.$size.” “.$aspect.” “.$target);