PHP Run Background Process using Exec

If you need to start process in background and get its PID to manage it later using PHP.


function runInBackground($command,$log,$priority=0)
   $PID=shell_exec("nohup nice -n $priority $command > $log 2>&1 & echo $!");
   $PID=shell_exec("nohup $command > $log 2>&1 & echo $!");

PHP Process
PHP Process

echo $! will return process ID
# Command & echo $!


Check if process is running


function isProcessRunning($PID)

if($PID==0)return false;
if($PID=="")return false;

exec("ps -p $PID 2>&1",$state);




Display Process Logs


function displayProcessLog($logfile)

exec('cat $logfile 2>&1',$log);
return implode("\r\n",$log);




Kill Process


function killProcess($PID)
 exec('kill '.$PID.' 2>&1',$status);
 return implode("\r\n",$status);



Save Process ID to file

Command &
echo $! >/path/to/pid.file