Record Audio from Websites

Flex is a platform for developing and deploying Applications that run on Flash player on Web using Red5 Server.

Flex / Red5 applications are compiled to SWF files and are executed at runtime by Adobe Flash Player.


Open source Red5 video flex flash recorder and player project allows you to insert a red5 / flex module to do it directly from your website. Uses Flex and red5. Videos are stored as FLV streams and can be playable and reviewed from this project within flash player. 2 modes are visible: recorder mode and player mode. All other parameters can be defined through simple html script.

Record, Visualize & Save Microphone Input

Record, Visualize & Save Microphone Input - makemachine

MicrophoneCapture, MicrophoneInput, InputRenderer, WavEncoder are some basic classes to record audio from microphone.

Create a Useful Audio Recorder App in ActionScript

Create a Useful Audio Recorder App in ActionScript 3 - Activetuts+

The MicRecorder class is a great addition to ActionScript 3, be sure to bookmark this article. 😉

Barebones Audio Recorder

Client-side audio capture and conversion to MP3.

This recorder captures user audio, converts to MP3 format on the client side, then uploads to the server.

Barebones Audio Recorder

Flash-based interface
Barebones Audio Recorder1

Sample HTML-based interface
Barebones Audio Recorder2

Red5 record audio with the Flash plugin

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