Record Live Streaming Radio to MP3

Sometime you want to record Live Radio Stream to MP3 file, you can find many online linux tools for recording radio stream to server and then download to your local computer.

You can use Linux “wget” or “curl”


# curl -sS -o stream.mp3 –max-time 150 http://Radio-Server:Port/stream
Bitrate: 128 kb/s [it will make approx 2MB MP3 file]

# curl -sS -o stream.mp3 –max-time 150 http://Radio-Server:Port/stream
Bitrate: 64 kb/s [it will make approx 1MB MP3 file]


# ffmpeg -y -i http://Radio-Server:Port/stream stream.mp3

# ffmpeg -i http://Radio-Server:Port/stream -t 00:00:40 -acodec copy stream.mp3
[It will record MP3 file stream.mp3 of duration of 40 sec with same Radio Stream Codec Info & Bitrate]


# mplayer ‘http://Radio-Server:Port/stream’ -endpos ’00:01:00′ -vo null -ao pcm:waveheader:file=stream.wav &> /dev/null
# lame stream.wav stream.mp3 &> /dev/null


# wget -O stream.mp3 “http://Radio-Server:Port/stream”