Kaltura Video Platform

How to install 2 different Kaltura Video Platform on same server?

1. Community Edition v5.0.0 eagle-10-02
2. Community Edition v4.0.0

Goto kalturaCE_v5.0.0 if kalturaCE_v4.0.0 already installed

Rename old databases to prefix _4 like kaltura_4

# php install.php
Thank you for installing Kaltura Video Platform – Community Edition

A previous installation attempt has been detected, do you want to use the input you provided during you last installation? (Y/n)
> n

In order to improve Kaltura Community Edition, we would like your permission to send system data to Kaltura.
This information will be used exclusively for improving our software and our service quality. I agree (Y/n)
> Y

If you wish, please provide your email address so that we can offer you future assistance (leave empty to pass)
> [email protected]

Please provide the following information:

The following apachectl script has been detected: /usr/sbin/apachectl. Do you want to use this script to run your Kaltura application? Leave empty to use or provide a pathname to an alternative apachectl script on your server.

The following PHP binary has been detected: /usr/bin/php. Do you want to use this script to run your Kaltura application? Leave empty to use or pr ovide a pathname to an alternative PHP binary on your server.

Full target directory path for Kaltura application (leave empty for /opt/kaltura)
> /var/www/html/kaltura

Please enter the domain name/virtual hostname that will be used for the Kaltura server (without http://)
> kaltura.svnlabs.com

Your primary system administrator email address
> [email protected]

The password you want to set for your primary administrator
> password

Database host (leave empty for ‘localhost’)

Database port (leave empty for ‘3306’)

Database username (with create & write privileges)
> root

Database password (leave empty for no password)
> password

The URL to your xymon/hobbit monitoring location. Xymon is an optional installation. Leave empty to set manually later

Verifing prerequisites

Checking for leftovers from a previous installation
Target directory /var/www/html/kaltura already exists

Leftovers from a previouse Kaltura installation have been detected. In order to continue with the current installation these leftovers must be rem oved. Do you wish to remove them now? (y/N)
> Y

killing sphinx daemon if running
sh: /var/www/html/kaltura/app/plugins/sphinx_search/scripts/watch.stop.sh: No such file or directory
Stopping sphinx if running
Stopping the batch manager if running
Deleting /var/www/html/kaltura

Installation is now ready to begin. Start installation now? (Y/n)
> Y

Copying application files to /var/www/html/kaltura
current working dir is /var/www/html
Copying binaries for linux 64bit
Replacing configuration tokens in files
Changing permissions of directories and files
Creating and initializing ‘kaltura’ database
Creating and initializing ‘kaltura_sphinx_log’ database
Creating data warehouse
Creating Dynamic Enums
Configure sphinx
Populate sphinx tables
Changing permissions of directories and files
Creating system symbolic links
Deploying uiconfs in order to configure the application
Creating the uninstaller
Running the generate script
Running the batch manager
Running the sphinx search deamon
Executing sphinx dameon
Executing in background nohup /var/www/html/kaltura/app/plugins/sphinx_search/scripts/watch.daemon.onprem.sh
sh: /opt/kaltura/log/instlBkgrndRun.log: No such file or directory
Executing in background chkconfig sphinx_watch.sh on
sh: /opt/kaltura/log/instlBkgrndRun.log: No such file or directory
Changing permissions of directories and files
Post installation email cannot be sent

Installation Completed Successfully.
Your Kaltura Admin Console credentials:
System Admin user: [email protected]
System Admin password: password

Please keep this information for future use.

To start using Kaltura, please complete the following steps:
1. Add the following line to your /etc/hosts file: kaltura.svnlabs.com
2. Add the following line to your Apache configurations file (Usually called httpd.conf or apache2.conf):
Include /var/www/html/kaltura/app/configurations/apache/my_kaltura.conf
3. Restart apache
4. Browse to your Kaltura start page at: http://kaltura.svnlabs.com/start

Full installation will create new database …

1. kaltura
2. kalturadw
3. kalturalog
4. kaltura_stats
5. kalturadw_ds
6. kalturadw_bisources

Now you need to manage which database is for v4.0.0 and other for v5.0.0

You can edit database config files here “(/var/www/html/kaltura/app/alpha/config)”

1. kConfLocal.php
2. databases.yml

Use the Preview & Embed feature within KMC to embed Kaltura Media Players on your website.

Find Kaltura Extensions here http://exchange.kaltura.com/category/application-category/extensions