SponsorPay API in PHP

SponsorPay – International Leader in Engagement Marketing and Performance Advertising for the Monetization of Virtual Currency and Digital Content on Social Networks, Online Games, Virtual Worlds and Entertainment Platforms.

Mobile Developers - SponsorPay
Mobile Developers – SponsorPay

Key Features:

* Boost branding and engagement
* Acquire users and improve engagement
* Engage and monetize all your users
* Drive customer acquisition and sales
* Grow revenues with innovative products
* Achieve true glocal monetization

SponsorPay Products

* Offer Wall
* Layover Offer Wall
* Offer Banners
* Offer Bar
* Offer Widget
* BrandEngage

SponsorPay Mobile Offer API

JSON Format

XML Format


// Step 1: Gather all request parameters

$page = isset($_REQUEST['page'])?$_REQUEST['page']:"1";
$uid = isset($_REQUEST['uid'])?$_REQUEST['uid']:"svnlabs";
$pub0 = isset($_REQUEST['pub0'])?$_REQUEST['pub0']:"sv";
$appid = isset($_REQUEST['appid'])?$_REQUEST['appid']:"APP-ID";
$device_id = isset($_REQUEST['device_id'])?$_REQUEST['device_id']:"DEVICE-ID";
$ip = isset($_REQUEST['ip'])?$_REQUEST['ip']:"IP-ADDRESS";
$apikey = isset($_REQUEST['apikey'])?$_REQUEST['apikey']:"API-KEY";
$format = isset($_REQUEST['format'])?$_REQUEST['format']:"json";

$requestring = 'http://api.sponsorpay.com/feed/v1/offers.'.$format.'?';

$d = array(   
        'appid' => $appid,
        'device_id' => $device_id,
        'ip' => $ip,
        'locale' => 'en',
        'page' => $page,
        'pub0' => $pub0,
        'timestamp' => time(),
        'uid' => $uid,
//Step 2: Order all request alphabetically    

//Step 3: Concatenate all request parameters

$params = '';

foreach($d as $k=>$v)
  $params .= $k."=".$v."&"; 

//Step 4: Concatenate the resulting string with your API Key
//Step 5: Hash the resulting string using SHA1

$hash = sha1($params.$apikey);

$url = $requestring.$params."hashkey=".$hash;

echo file_get_contents($url);



SponsorPay is a really good solution for social media platform using more engaging ad units than traditional social media formats.