iWishYou – My Best Wishes with MP3 on Facebook

iWishYou is a facebook application where you can share Wishes / Greeting as songs for friend’s birthday, events, daily wishes. A wish is a hope or desire for something, iWishYou attract users with nice share on FB Walls. It is the better way to express your emotions to your friends & circle.

Get PID from FBID

<?php include(“lib/facebook.php”); $APPLICATION_ID = “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”; $APPLICATION_SECRET = “yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy”; $facebook = new Facebook(array( ‘appId’ => $APPLICATION_ID, ‘secret’ => $APPLICATION_SECRET, ‘cookie’ => true )); $fbid=”xxxxxxxxxx”; $fql = “SELECT pid FROM photo WHERE object_id=”.$fbid; $param = array(  ‘method’ => ‘fql.query’,  ‘query’ => $fql,  ‘callback’ => ” ); $fqlResult = $facebook->api($param); $fql = “SELECT src_small, src_big FROM photo WHERE … Read more