Moodle – How to update timestamp on assignment/submissions.php

Moodle is a Learning Management System (LMS) that provides educators with tools such as resources, forums, quizzes, assignments, learning objects, surveys, polls, data collections, lessons, wikis and projects so that they can construct web-based courses about any topic and then invite students into those courses. Moodle has many management features such as groups, gradebooks, reports, custom roles, import/export/archiving, payments and integration with many other systems. Moodle is PHP software but it runs on nearly every platform and most kinds of database.

Here is the code to update timestamp on file, please check attached screenshot

Every thing is dependent in moodle…

We have to modify too many lines 🙂



$output.= 'opener.document.getElementById("withAltTime-Teacher-'.$submission->userid.'").value="'.strftime("%A, %d %B %Y", $submission->timemarked)."\";\n"; 
$output.= 'opener.document.getElementById("withAltTime-Teacher-'.$submission->userid.'-alt'.'").value="'.userdate($submission->timemarked, "%I:%M %p")."\";\n";


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